Black Cohosh and Red Clover - pharmacological properties, for which symptoms it helps, how it works

What would you say if we told you that the natural remedy that helps reduce several symptoms related to women’s health is a flower? Black Cohosh is the rhizome (underground stem) of a plant that you could ingest directly as a powder or extracted into tablets or liquid. Black Cohosh does not contain phytoestrogens, but it does contain small amounts of anti-inflammatory compounds, such as salicylic acid. Black Cohosh is helpful for menopausal symptoms, menstrual symptoms, and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. The evidence related to the benefit in relieving menopausal symptoms is contradictory. There is little reliable data on its effectiveness for other conditions and symptoms. Adverse effects are rare. 

Medical properties of Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh has many potential benefits due to its anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antioxidant properties. Most of the purported benefits of Black Cohosh have a direct connection to women's health, and ample evidence is available on its benefits for only a few conditions, especially menopausal symptoms. Other health conditions for which the Black Cohort is useful are – Heart disease, Osteoarthritis, Sterility, Migraine, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, and Anxiety. Here are some of the key active components of Black Cohosh – Phytosterin, Isoferulic acid, Tannins, Salicylic acid, Caffeic acid, Ferulic acid, Sugars, Long chain fatty acids, Cinnamic acid, Fukinolic acid, Cimicifugic acid, Dihydroxyphenyl lactic acid, Acetone, and others.

Promotes hormonal balance

Most PMS symptoms happen due to hormonal fluctuations, causing an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Studies have shown that Black Cohosh mimics estrogen in the body, which has a stabilizing effect on hormones, and thus naturally helps relieve symptoms such as spasms, sleep problems, breast tenderness, and more.

Anti-inflammatory and hypertensive action

The supplement contains antioxidant Phytochemicals compounds, which are responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties. In this way, it helps control pain and heals inflammation in conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, and neuralgia in general.

Other benefits

black cohoshBlack Cohosh is used as a treatment during Menopause, reducing symptoms and providing several benefits for women's health. However, it has other benefits. In general, Menopause is a natural phase, which happens to women after the last ovulation, which can occur between 45 and 50 years of age. During this process, the body needs to find a new balance, with symptoms such as heat waves, irregular menstrual period, hair loss, aging, discharge, loss of libido, tiredness, pain in the breasts, urinary tract infection, etc. Using Black Cohosh may help fighting these symptoms.

Joint inflammation

While Black Cohosh benefits include reducing inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, a physician should be consulted to determine whether this supplement is safe for the individual. Osteoarthritis causes wear and tear on joint cartilage and usually affects the joints in the knees, hands, and hips. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects small joints in the feet and hands. Other studies are underway to confirm the effectiveness of taking Black Cohosh for arthritis.

Decreases menopausal symptoms

Black Cohosh assists in female hormonal balance, being a great ally for women who suffer from menopause and PMS symptoms. These symptoms are hot flashes, vaginal dryness and mood swings. 

Does it have any side effects?

Excessive doses may cause vertigo, hypotension, headache, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, tremor, visual disturbance and abdominal pain. However, when digested correctly, the effects are rare, so always follow your doctor's prescriptions correctly.

Red clover

Red clover is useful for treating menopausal symptoms, weak and brittle bones, high cholesterol levels, and many other conditions. Red clover is a perennial herbaceous belonging to the legume family. It can reach up to 110 cm. Its stems are erect and ascending, it has trifoliate leaves about 3 cm long and 8 cm wide, generally. The leaves of red clover are pale green and its flowers, about 15 mm, bell-shaped, purplish-pink petals. 


Red clover has high amount of isoflavones. It is a water-soluble chemical component. It is truly helpful in herbal hormonal treatments. It has the medical properties, which may slow down the growth of cancerous cells. Red Clover has sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Among the minerals, we can find calcium, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus and even potassium. Among the vitamins, we can find vitamin C, vitamin B3, and vitamin B1.

Use and benefits

In herbal medicine, red clover is useful in treating respiratory problems (such as asthma, whooping cough, and bronchitis), skin disorders (such as eczema and psoriasis), inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, and women's health problems (such as menopause and menstrual symptoms). The brightly colored flowers contain many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, and phosphorus, potassium, thiamin, and vitamin C.

Symptoms of menopause

Several small studies have confirmed that red clover can help relieve menopausal discomfort, especially hot flashes. Although you may hear some anecdotal support for this, there has been no conclusive evidence to back it up.


A 2016 review concluded that there might be some beneficial effects on bone health, while a 2017 review found that different red clover formulations may or may not be effective. Bone mineral density loss in postmenopausal women is a fact. Red clover is a source of supplements used in some studies.


Early research suggests that red clover may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In a 2009 study of prostate cancer cells, scientists found that red clover treatment led to a decrease in prostate-specific antigen, a protein found at elevated levels in men with prostate cancer.

Heart disease

Some clinical trials have looked at the effects of red clover on the development of heart disease risk factors in postmenopausal women. Keep in mind that due to a lack of long-term studies, it is too soon to recommend red clover for any condition. It is also important to note that self-treatment of a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care can have serious consequences.

Improves fertility

Another benefit of red clover for women is that it can help improve their fertility and promote conception. This property is thanks to its high levels of calcium and magnesium, which are stimulating in case of fertility problems, and to isoflavones, which are excellent for regulating hormone levels in the female body.

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